Reduce money woes and improve your mental well-being


Stress and anxiety are commonly related to money worries. Anyone suffering from stress and anxiety may experience a change in their physical health, as well as lack of sleep, lack of appetite or stress-eating, and overall mood or mental health.

You can help get your finances back on track by creating a budget, tracking your spending, and setting financial goals. You can do so using the My Money Manager tool available to Warren Boynton customers. Find out more here:

There are also ways to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being, in addition to solving your financial woes.

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, even if it’s a short walk around the block.

Reduce your caffeine intake. High doses of caffeine can increase anxiety.

Replace your caffeine intake with water.

Write down your worries so that you can begin to address them.

Spend time with people that you love. Surround yourself with people that make you happy.

Laughing releases endorphins that make you feel better, relieves tension in your muscles, and reduces stress.

Say no, even when you want to say yes. Put yourself first.

Don’t procrastinate. When you are ready, face your fears head-on and get the job done. You will feel so much better once you make the first step.

Take a yoga, bar (dance), or Pilates class to help you unwind and clear your mind.

Meditate. If you don’t know how to meditate, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths for 10-15 minutes at the beginning of your day.

Hug your loved ones. Physical contact reduces stress.

Get a pet or adopt-a-pet for a day. Having a companion will help reduce your stress.

Listen to music, and better still, dance.

If you have any questions about budgeting, setting financial goals, or tracking spending, please visit your nearest branch and speak with a member of our staff.