Five money saving habits this Christmas


1. Buy only one present for each of your family and friends. Not only will this save you money, but time too.

2. Budget and stick to it! In addition to creating a budget this Christmas, track your spending with our Mobile Banking App. Find out more by visiting your local branch or our website.

3. Shop early! If you haven’t already started your Christmas shopping, now is the time. In addition, keep a look out for deals and sales. It’s worth doing your research, whether you find items at a reduced cost, you benefit from free shipping, or you gain a gift card, for example. Many stores offer competitive incentives, make sure you take advantage of them.

4. Use old gift cards. Re-gift those you have not used or use them to purchase items for friends and family. This is such a great way to save money during the holidays. And it’s not just gifts you can use unused gift cards for… you might purchase groceries or decorations too.

5. Don’t pay for shipping. Purchase all or most items from one store. Make sure you know the minimum purchase to achieve free shipping. Don’t bundle your purchase. Often stores will forgo shipping fees if you’re willing to wait a little longer for delivery.

Whatever you do, make sure you create and stick to a budget, track spending, and save when the opportunity arises. 

Our team is happy to answer any questions you might have about mobile banking and other services at Warren-Boynton State Bank.