Family-friendly at-home activities


Are you stuck at home, juggling work and the kids?  Have you run low on ideas to entertain everyone?  Well, our team has put together a list of tried and tested family activities for you:

Recycle, reuse, and re-purpose

Take items you would ordinarily throw in the recycling bin such as toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, and milk cartons and ask your children to build a car, robot, or spaceship.  Use tape to construct their creation and encourage them to decorate it.


Our families have had so much fun baking together whether it’s bread, cookies, or cakes.  Now is the time to try new recipes and get the whole family involved.  You could try something as simple as banana bread or chocolate chip cookies.

Decorate your sidewalk 

On days the sun is shining, head outside and decorate your sidewalk with chalk.  We’ve loved seeing all the sidewalk drawings shared on Facebook from words of encouragement to tic-tac-toe and hopscotch.

Rock painting

It’s so simple but will keep your youngsters entertained for hours.  Go for a walk and collect rocks.  Wash your rocks with soap and water.  Now you’re ready to paint.  You could place them in your garden or, better still, in your neighborhood for people to enjoy as they pass by.

Scavenger hunt

On a day that you’re forced to stay inside, a scavenger hunt is a great way to keep everyone entertained.  You can find an indoor scavenger hunt list online, but here’s one to get you started.

Find something:

1 with wheels

2 green

3 shiny

4 with buttons

5 blue

6 square

7 that makes a noise

8 soft

9 hard

10 you can see through

Make a time capsule

This is such a great idea for the whole family.  Fill it with crafts, recipes, and photos of your time together during the past weeks or months.  Bury it in your garden, dig up in the future, or leave for someone else to find.

The above activities are inexpensive and can be done alone or in a group.  We would love to see your ideas too.  Please share these with us on our Facebook page.

From all of us at Warren-Boynton State Bank, stay healthy and safe.  If you have any bank-related questions do not hesitate to contact us.  We are here to help.