Small business marketing


It’s been a tough year for small businesses, but it’s important never to give up on your marketing as a way to maintain your customer base and grow it. The Warren-Boynton marketing team has five top tips to share when it comes to marketing small businesses.

1. SEO is key if you want your customers to find you online. Be strategic about the content on your website and what you post on social media.

2. You may already have a blog on your website, but are you posting to it? If not, now’s the time to commit to updating your blog more regularly. If you have difficulty coming up with topics, take a look at what your competitors are doing and take inspiration. Start your blog post with a question about your services or products and take it from there.

3. Grow your email list. Whether your list contains old, new, or potential clients you never know what it might lead to. Make it easy for people to sign up for your newsletter. Remember to add a sign-up field at the end of each blog post. Make sure you’re sending people back to your website.

4. Start using Facebook ads. Facebook advertising isn’t just for consumers, it works for business to business marketing as well. You can target your ads to specific audiences by choosing demographics, interests, and even zip codes. Also, use that email list to create a Facebook lookalike audience. This is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers.

5. Create videos. Whether you go live to take questions or have something planned, keep it short and to the point, interesting, and most of all, useful.

If you’re a small business owner and you’re looking to grow your brand, why not leap and invest your time in the above? If you have any questions about business banking, get in touch with our team.